Digital games are increasingly being used for foreign language learning; a trend that has grown popular recently. This research dives deeply into this topic, assessing different skill areas targeted by these digital games, and how they are utilized in various settings worldwide -educational and otherwise. The research takes into account studies carried out between 2010 and 2021. The study's methodology is rooted in qualitative research, specifically the embedded theory design, and the gathered data is interpreted through a descriptive analysis approach. Out of an initial pool of 145 academic studies reviewed, 57 met the necessary criteria for inclusion, such as quality of data, sample size, year of publication, gender balance, and content relevance. The analyzed data is then expressed in terms of frequency and percentages for simplicity and easier understanding. The findings show that studies focusing on the use of digital games for foreign language learning have multiplied in recent years. However, a large proportion of these studies are heavily focused on vocabulary acquisition. This led to the suggestion that future work in this area should broaden its scope to include other important language skills like reading, writing, and listening, in addition to vocabulary.