Accurate predictions of jet noise produced by realistic nozzles with complicated geometries (e.g. chevrons) require the inclusion of walls in large eddy simulations (LES). However, the additional cost of resolving the near-wall turbulence at realistic Reynolds numbers is prohibitively expensive. To make such simulations more economical, a wall model based on the logarithmic velocity profile is described in detail and implemented in a high-order finite difference LES application using generalized curvilinear coordinates. Simulations of a high Reynolds number (Reθ = 13, 000) nearly incompressible zero pressure gradient flat plate boundary layer are completed for validation and justification of the proposed methodology. The subgrid scale (SGS) model choice is also examined. Implicit LES using a low-pass spatial filter and the dynamic Smagorinsky model are evaluated on an a posteriori basis. Lastly, a series of comparatively coarse grids are tested to more critically evaluate the methodology's ability to reduce simulation costs. This is essential as jet noise simulations can remain prohibitively expensive even with a suitable wall modeling approach. Overall, the numerical results show reasonable agreement for the flow in the outer portions of the boundary layer when compared to experimental data and theoretical estimates.
NomenclatureB log-law integration constant C f skin friction coefficient C s Smagorinsky constant F, G, H fluxes in the generalized curvilinear coordinates J Jacobian transformation between physical Cartesian and generalized curvilinear coordinates L r reference length M Mach number P fluid static pressure P r t turbulent Prandtl number Q vector of conservative variables Q i SGS heat flux Re δ99iReynolds number based on inflow boundary layer thickness, ρU ∞ δ 99i /µ