Disruption of circadian rhythmicity is associated with obesity and related disorders, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Specifically, prolonged artificial light exposure associates with obesity in humans, although the underlying mechanism is unclear. Here, we report that increasing the daily hours of light exposure increases body adiposity through attenuation of brown adipose tissue (BAT) activity, a major contributor of energy expenditure. Mice exposed to a prolonged day length of 16-and 24-h light, compared with regular 12-h light, showed increased adiposity without affecting food intake or locomotor activity. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that prolonged day length decreases sympathetic input into BAT and reduces β3-adrenergic intracellular signaling. Concomitantly, prolonging day length decreased the uptake of fatty acids from triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, as well as of glucose from plasma selectively by BAT. We conclude that impaired BAT activity is an important mediator in the association between disturbed circadian rhythm and adiposity, and anticipate that activation of BAT may overcome the adverse metabolic consequences of disturbed circadian rhythmicity. M odern world society is subjected to disturbances of circadian rhythms by shift work, sleep deprivation, and environmental light pollution. Importantly, the increasing prevalence of obesity is associated with a disrupted sleep-wake pattern in humans (1) and coincides with the availability of artificial light (2, 3). Additionally, a recent study revealed a relationship between exposure to light at night and obesity in a cross-sectional analysis of over 100,000 women (4). Light input is the most important cue for generation of circadian (∼24 h) rhythms by the master clock. Both in rodents and humans the master clock is situated in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. The SCN is responsible for synchronization of peripheral clocks throughout the body, which is mediated by endocrine and neuronal signals (5). A causal role for a disturbed circadian rhythm in the development of obesity has been demonstrated by animal studies. Mice with genetically dysfunctional clock genes develop obesity and insulin resistance (6-9). Moreover, specific ablation of the SCN induces acute weight gain (10). These results indicate a crucial role for the SCN in the regulation of adiposity.Interestingly, we previously showed that prolonged light exposure only is sufficient to enhance weight gain in mice. Constant light disrupts the central circadian clock, evidenced by an immediate reduction in the circadian amplitude of SCN electrical activity. Moreover, constant light induces body weight gain and insulin resistance, even faster than high-fat diet, which was not caused by increased food intake or reduced locomotor activity (11). Therefore, disruption of the central biological clock likely induces weight gain by decreasing energy expenditure.Recently, it has been recognized that brown adipose tissue (BAT) importantly contributes to energy ...