The cost of dimensionality reduction in aerodynamic design applications involving highdimensional design spaces and CFD is often prohibitive. In an attempt to overcome this challenge, a new method for dimensionality reduction is presented that scales as p log(p), where p is the number of design variables. It works by taking advantage of adjoint design methods in order to collect gradient observations, which are then used to compute the covariance matrix of the design variables. Dimensionality is then reduced by using principal component analysis to develop a linear transformation that allows an aerodynamic optimization problem to be re-formulated in a new coordinate system of lower dimensionality. In order to demonstrate it's feasibility, the method is tested on a 2D staggered airfoil problem, intentionally chosen as an abstraction of a more realistic over-wing nacelle integration problem, and shown to exhibit similarities with the latter. Results show that the method outperforms typical screening methods used in aerospace engineering, either in terms of effectiveness, cost or the ability to capture nonlinear effects. Furthermore, the method is found to improve convergence during gradient-based optimization. Overall, results offer strong evidence in support of the proposed method, paving the way for larger analytical efforts such as design space exploration, where dimensionality reduction is unavoidable to cope with the necessity of gradient-free approaches.