ABSTRACT:The pattern evolution of phase separation and dewetting of PS/PMMA blend thin films at 160 C were observed by optical video microscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results show that the PMMA wetting component is driven toward the substrate, and the PS dewetting component is driven toward the surface by pressure caused by phase separation and wetting. At the late stage of the process, irregular shapes of PS islands evolve into round droplets. A cross-section of the interface between the PS and PMMA after phase separation was observed by AFM for the first time. This shows that the PS component extends considerably into the PMMA substrate layer and a trench was observed inside and outside the PMMA rim, respectively. This confirms the notion of a deformable interface between the two materials. [DOI 10.1295/polymj.37.560] KEY WORDS PS/PMMA Blend Films / Phase Separation / Dewetting / The structure and properties of thin blend films are governed by interplay between phase separation and surface segregation driven by polymer-surface interactions. This is important for applications because commercial films are normally comprised of multiple polymer species, solvent, and additives, leading to numerous complex phase separation morphologies and film properties. As a function of blend composition and polymer-polymer interaction parameter different phase separation morphologies have been observed in bulk samples. In the state of a thin film, with a thickness below a critical film thickness, the surface directed spinodal decomposition of polymers is suppressed and phase separation perpendicular to the interface results. The interplay between phase separation and dewetting increases the variety of accessible surface morphologies. The time scales of dewetting and phase separation are different and depend on the internal interaction.1-8 However, understanding of phase evolution in blend films has not yet been achieved in details, in part due to the complex interplay between wetting, phase separation, capillary fluctuations and coarsening and roughening, respectively.Polystyrene (PS) and poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) are classic model systems in polymer science, and numerous studies have been recently been undertaken. [9][10][11][12] This report studies the phase separation and dewetting of PS and PMMA blend films with different thickness, using optical video microscopy in situ during annealing. For the first time, we report the interface characteristic of PS/PMMA in the final stage of phase separation.
EXPERIMENTALFirst, PS and PMMA were dissolved in toluene. The polymers had molecular weights M w ¼ 60500 g/mol (PS), and M w ¼ 62500 g/mol (PMMA) and polydispersities M w =M n ¼ 1:07 (PS) and M w =M n ¼ 1:12 (PMMA). The total polymer concentration was prepared first at 3% and then part of the solution was diluted to 2% and 1%. The PS mass fraction was fixed at 0.50. Thin films of the polymer blends were formed by placing a droplet of the solution onto 1 cm  1 cm Si(001) with the native oxide layer present (...