We show that the approach to asymptotic fluctuation-induced critical behavior in polymer solutions is governed by a competition between a correlation length diverging at the critical point and an additional mesoscopic length-scale, the radius of gyration. Accurate light-scattering experiments on polystyrene solutions in cyclohexane with polymer molecular weights ranging from 200,000 up to 11.4 million clearly demonstrate a crossover between two universal regimes: a regime with Ising asymptotic critical behavior, where the correlation length prevails, and a regime with tricritical theta-point behavior determined by a mesoscopic polymer-chain length. PACS: 64.75.+g; 61.25.Hg; 05.70.Jk Close enough to the critical point, the correlation length ξ of the fluctuations of the order parameter has grown so large that the microscopic and even the mesoscopic structure of fluids become unimportant: complex fluids become "simple". This feature is known as criticalpoint universality [1]. Within a universality class, determined by the nature of the order parameter, properly chosen physical properties of different systems exhibit the same near-critical behavior. All critical phase-separation transitions in fluids belong to the 3-dimensional Isingmodel universality class, as the order parameter (associated with density or/and concentration) is a scalar. However, in practice, the pure asymptotic regime is often hardly accessible. Even in simple fluids, like xenon and helium, the physical properties in the critical region show a tendency to crossover from Ising asymptotic behavior to mean-field behavior [2,3]. This crossover depends on the microscopic structure of the system, namely, on the range of interaction and on a molecular-size "cutoff". In simple fluids, crossover to mean-field critical behavior is never completed within the critical domain (which can be defined roughly as within 10% of the critical temperature): the "cutoff" length and the range of interactions are too short. In complex fluids, regardless of the range of interaction, the role of the cutoff is played by a mesoscopic characteristic length scale ξ D that is associated with a particular mesoscopic structure [4]. If the cutoff length is mesoscopic, it can compete with the correlation length ξ within the critical domain. The temperature at which the correlation length becomes equal to the structural length can be naturally defined as a crossover temperature between two regimes, namely, an Ising asymptotic critical regime and a regime determined by the nature of the mesoscopic structure of the complex fluid. In some complex fluids, like polymer solutions, it is possible to tune the structural length-scale and make it very large. If both lengths, the correlation length of the critical fluctuations associated with the fluid-fluid separation and the structural correlation length, diverge at the same point, this point will be a multicritical point. A perfect example of such a multicritical phenomenon appears in a polymer solution near the theta point. The theta p...