This article addresses the urbanization model in valley bottom areas in the city of São Paulo, an-alyzed in its urban planning and socio-environmental aspects, and examines the hydrological impacts triggered by its implementation. It argues that sustainable occupation of urbanized hy-drographic basins should be based on environmental criteria in order to attain a sustainable water management regime that can ensure urban and environmental resilience. In the “Introduction,” the article emphasizes that urbanization in São Paulo has neglected the natural features of river basins, promoting the channeling of watercourses, which resulted in floods and inundations. “Theoretical Basics” brings in key concepts related to the environmental approach of drainage infrastructure with gray and green-blue systems. “Methods” details our qualitative research, bibliographical analyzes, referential case studies, and cartographical analyzes (geoprocessing), focusing on a case study in the Jaguaré creek basin. “Results” includes guidelines and recom-mendations for an urbanization model adjusted to valley bottom areas, applicable to new patterns of urban occupation or to the adjustment of existing patterns. “Discussion” explores the concept of “local sustainable self-development,” and “Conclusions” highlights the importance of an inte-grated, multisectoral, and sustainable planning, adjusted to the characteristics of river basins in valley bottom areas, promoting a socially responsible urban occupation, especially in the face of climate change.