Introduction: Secondary palatoplasty with intravelar veloplasty (IV) may be performed before pharyngeal flap (PF) for surgical treatment of velopharyngeal insufficiency in individuals with cleft palate. This surgical approach aims to improve the velopharyngeal conditions, thus avoiding indication of a large pharyngeal flap and its undesirable effects on respiration. Purpose: To investigate the effects of pharyngeal flap performed after intravelar veloplasty for the treatment of velopharyngeal insufficiency on nasality and respiration. Methods: Analysis of postoperative outcomes of speech nasality and respiration in 50 individuals with repaired cleft palate and velopharyngeal insufficiency, being 23 submitted to pharyngeal flap after intravelar veloplasty (Group IV+PF) and 27 submitted only to pharyngeal flap (Group PF). Nasality was determined by nasometry, and the effect of surgery on respiration was assessed by measuring the minimum nasopharyngeal transverse section area, obtained by the pressure-flow technique and investigation of respiratory complaints, using a specific questionnaire. Statistical comparison between groups was performed by the Mann-Whitney test and Student t test, at a significance level of p<0.05. Results: There was no difference between groups for the outcomes of nasality, measurement of nasopharyngeal area and investigation of respiratory complaints. Conclusion: Both approaches for surgical treatment of velopharyngeal insufficiency demonstrated similar outcomes concerning the elimination of hypernasality, as well as for respiration, suggesting that accomplishment of pharyngeal flap after intravelar veloplasty did not provide better speech resonance outcomes nor favored respiration.