Theoretical calculations have been applied to design novel synthetic polymers which show metallic conductivity without doping. Some selected highly conjugated structures were calculated using a HUCKELMO method extended by introducing elastic sigma bonds. A group of highly conjugated aromatic ladder polymers is promising in this context. Another interesting group consists of laddered heteroaromatic structures in which carbon atoms are replaced by nitrogen.
Ionization potentials, electron affinities, band widths, band gaps as well as oxidation and reduction potentials were calculated. Small, band gaps were obtained for polyacene, polyperinaphthalene and polypyridinopyridine. The values are in good aggreement with that obtained on the basis of the VEH method. This paper reports also some efforts to prepare polyacene, polyperinaphthalene and polypyridinopyridine, and to investigate their electronic properties.
Concerning their electrochemical properties high specific capacities and good electrochemical stability has been found in aprotic lithium cells.