Purpose of the research – assessment of Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) institutional scientifi ctechnological integration capacity by identifying and comparing strategic priorities and directions of scientifi ctechnological development of the member-countries.Methodology. The study was conducted on the basis of an institutional approach. The main research methods included comparison, quantitative and qualitative content analysis of strategic documents on scientifi ctechnological development of the member-countries. The respective strategies of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan and Armenia served as input data. The Voyant tools software was used for text processing.Originality / value of the research. The EAEU member-countries' national economies have been actively integrating in the post-Soviet space, however the issues of scientifi c-technological integration are not suffi ciently considered. This study is aimed to fi ll this study gap. The study results can serve as substantiation for key directions of developing scenarios, recommendations and mechanisms to improve the effi ciency of scientifi c-technological integration in order to form a single scientifi c-technological space in the EAEU.Findings. It was revealed that scientifi c-technological cooperation was an independent vector of EAEU integration, directions in the fi eld of scientifi c-technological development, which opens up opportunities for active scientifi c-technological cooperation. The institutional capacity of EAEU scientifi c and technological integration is quite high.