Contorted two-dimensional aromatic molecules are fascinating synthetic targets because they are molecular "cutouts" of nonplanar graphene structures,f ullerenes,o rc arbon nanotubes.I nm ost cases,t he curvature is introduced by the implementation of either five-, seven-, or eight-membered rings into the fused aromatic plane.Curvature can also be generated for two-dimensional systems consisting of six-membered rings exclusively,b yt he introduction of cove or fjordr egions.T he synthesis of ap olycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) that contains two peripheral triptycene units and six tert-butyl substituents is described. As ar esult of steric repulsion, the structure is highly contorted with two phenylene blades of the peripheral triptycene units oriented almost coplanar with respect to eachother at adistance of 16 ,ashas been verified by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The conformation is stable in solution even at at emperature of 150 8 8C. Additionally, internal tert-butyl groups could be selectively removed, allowing aUV/Vis-spectroscopic comparison of two structures with the same p-system, but different degrees of contortion.Supportinginformation for this article, includingd etails of the synthesis, characterization, NMR spectra, optical properties, interconversion energy calculations, computational studies, and X-ray data for 1, 3-6, 7a, 7b, 8,a nd S6,can be found under: http://dx.