Molecules with sufficiently large dipole moments were predicted to form weakly bound negative ions in the dipolar field [1][2][3][4] and such dipole-bound anions have been observed and characterized experimentally. [5][6][7][8][9][10] Negative ions with dipolar molecular cores can have excited dipole-bound states (DBSs) near the detachment threshold, analogous to Rydberg states in neutral molecules. DBSs in excited anions were first observed as resonances in photodetachment crosssections. [11][12][13] Ultrahigh resolution spectroscopy has been reported on excited DBSs of a number of anions near their detachment threshold by autodetachment. [14][15][16] The theory for autoionization from Rydberg states was first developed by Berry, [17] who predicted a Dv = À1 vibrational propensity rule, that is, the Rydberg state undergoes a vibrational relaxation by one vibrational quantum in the molecular core during autoionization, in which the vibrational energy is transferred to the Rydberg electron. The Dv = À1 propensity rule has been observed in autoionization of numerous molecules [18][19][20] and mode-specific autoionization has been observed by photoelectron spectroscopy, [21] in which the kinetic energies of the outgoing electrons are measured. The same Dv = À1 propensity rule should apply in autodetachment from DBSs of excited anions [22] and has been inferred in previous studies.[ 13,16] However, the electron kinetic energies of the outgoing autodetached electrons from the excited DBSs have not been measured by electron spectroscopy.All prior studies of DBSs in excited anions are dominated by rotational effects [23,24] and pure vibrational autodetachment from DBSs has not been reported, even though vibrational autodetachment has been observed in weakly bound anions and has been used effectively as a spectroscopic tool for anions. [25][26][27] Here we report the direct observation of pure vibrational autodetachment from DBSs of cryogenically cooled phenoxide anions using high-resolution photoelectron imaging. Autodetachment from eight vibrational levels of the DBS in optically exited phenoxide anions are observed and the Dv = À1 propensity rule is found to be strictly obeyed.