DOI: 10.1038/nphys989
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Dirac charge dynamics in graphene by infrared spectroscopy

Abstract: A remarkable manifestation of the quantum character of electrons in matter is offered by graphene, a single atomic layer of graphite. Unlike conventional solids where electrons are described with the Schrödinger equation, electronic excitations in graphene are governed by the Dirac hamiltonian 1 . Some of the intriguing electronic properties of graphene, such as massless Dirac quasiparticles with linear energy-momentum dispersion, have been confirmed by recent observations 2-5 . Here, we report an infrared spe… Show more

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Cited by 1,210 publications
(1,200 citation statements)
References 29 publications
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“…The resulting transmission modulation spectra of an area patterned with 80nm nanoresonators at V G = −90V and V G = 0V (background doping) are presented in Fig.S6, and they both exhibit a downward slope which is originated from the onset of the interband transition. We observe that the 2E F interband onset is considerably wider than the theoretical estimate for thermal broadening of 2E F at room temperature, which is consistent with the observation by Li et al 6 In order to determine the carrier densities at each V G values, we obtained the theoretical transmission spectra which give the best fit to the measured data by using both the Fermi level position and broadening as fitting parameters. As a result, the carrier densities are determined to be n = 1.0×10 13 cm -2 (hole doped) for the highest carrier density used in this experiment, and n = 0.4×10 13 cm -2 (hole doped) as the background doping.…”
Section: Determination Of Carrier Density Of Graphene Sheetsupporting
confidence: 88%
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“…The resulting transmission modulation spectra of an area patterned with 80nm nanoresonators at V G = −90V and V G = 0V (background doping) are presented in Fig.S6, and they both exhibit a downward slope which is originated from the onset of the interband transition. We observe that the 2E F interband onset is considerably wider than the theoretical estimate for thermal broadening of 2E F at room temperature, which is consistent with the observation by Li et al 6 In order to determine the carrier densities at each V G values, we obtained the theoretical transmission spectra which give the best fit to the measured data by using both the Fermi level position and broadening as fitting parameters. As a result, the carrier densities are determined to be n = 1.0×10 13 cm -2 (hole doped) for the highest carrier density used in this experiment, and n = 0.4×10 13 cm -2 (hole doped) as the background doping.…”
Section: Determination Of Carrier Density Of Graphene Sheetsupporting
confidence: 88%
“…6 As a reference signal, we first took a near infrared transmission spectrum at the charge neutral point (CNP). Here the charge neutral condition was achieved by applying the gate voltage (V CNP = 165V) which gave a maximum in the resistance as shown in Fig.…”
Section: Determination Of Carrier Density Of Graphene Sheetmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The combination of the exceptional transport properties of graphene and its transparency in the visible range has led to demonstration of transparent electrodes employing graphene 10 . By electrically tuning the Fermi level in graphene, interband transitions at hv = 2E F can be turned on and off [17][18] , leading to the recent demonstration of broadband infrared modulators 12 . Because modulation by single-layer graphene, in this frequency range, is only ~2.3% at normal incidence, a waveguide platform was adopted 12 .…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…On the basis of their peculiar band structures, single-layer graphene and Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene have been proposed for novel terahertz [3][4][5][6][7] and optoelectronic devices 8 , with some successful experimental demonstrations [9][10][11][12] . Interband and intraband transitions under optical excitation in graphene have been investigated by various groups [13][14][15][16][17][18][19] . Thus far, all the experimental studies confirmed the following theoretical expectations.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Moreover, the linear dispersion of the Dirac fermions enables broadband applications, in which electric gating can be used to induce dramatic changes in the optical properties. 29 All of these photonic and optoelectronic applications rely on the interaction of propagating far-field photons with graphene. Additionally, SPs bound to the surface of doped graphene exhibit a number of favorable properties that make graphene an attractive alternative to traditional metal plasmonics.…”
confidence: 99%