A wavelet-enhanced plane-wave time-domain (PWTD) algorithm for efficiently and accurately solving time-domain surface integral equations (TD-SIEs) on electrically large conducting objects is presented. The proposed scheme reduces the memory requirement and computational cost of the PWTD algorithm by representing the PWTD ray data using local cosine wavelet bases (LCBs) and performing PWTD operations in the wavelet domain. The memory requirement and computational cost of the LCB-enhanced PWTD-accelerated TD-SIE solver, when applied to the analysis of transient scattering from smooth quasi-planar objects with near-normal incident pulses, scale nearly as (log) s s O N N and 1.5 () s O N , respectively. Here, s N denotes the number of spatial unknowns. The efficiency and accuracy of the proposed scheme are demonstrated through its applications to the analysis of transient scattering from a 185 wavelength-long NASA almond and a 123-wavelength long Airbus-A320 model. Index Terms-Fast algorithms, marching-on-in-time (MOT), wavelet, local cosine basis (LCB), plane-wave time-domain algorithm (PWTD), time-domain surface integral equation (TD-SIE), transient scattering, very large-scale problems, complexity analysis.