Abstract. Numerical simulations play an increasingly important role in investigating accretion disks and associated phenomena such as jets. This paper provides a few examples of recent results that have been obtained with simulations, both local or global.
Keywords. accretion, accretion disks, magnetohydrodynamics: MHDThe most energetic phenomena in the universe are systems powered by gravity through accretion, specifically accretion disks surrounding compact stars and black holes. Accretion theory has largely been based primarily on a one-dimensional time-steady model consisting an optically thick, vertically-thin, Keplerian disk with an unknown, parameterized internal stress. While analytic models of this type provide considerable insight, their limitations are now well-known, and the observational data demand moving beyond this standard. Numerical simulations provide another means for investigating accretion disks.The governing equations of accretion are those of compressible magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Magnetic fields render a differentially rotating fluid unstable to the magnetorotational instability -MRI; Balbus & Hawley (1991) -and the resulting turbulence accounts for the internal stress that drives accretion. These processes have been studied using local "shearing box" simulations -Hawley, Gammie & Balbus (1995). The shearing box is a Cartesian domain representing a small piece of the disk, assumed to be rotating with the local disk angular velocity, Ω. The equations include differential rotation, Coriolis force and the tidal potential. Local simulations have shown how the MRI produces angular momentum transfer and the degree to which the MRI stress acts like a Shakura-Sunyaev "α viscosity," where τ rφ = αP (Balbus & Papaloizou (1999)). MRI-driven turbulence generates substantial local stress, typically with α ∼ 0.01. The orbital energy released by that stress is locally dissipated by the turbulence into heat in an eddy turnover time (Simon, Hawley, & Beckwith (2009)). Shearing box simulations that combine MHD with flux limited diffusion (Hirose, Krolik, & Blaes (2009)) find that while the stress is roughly proportional to the total pressure (including both gas and radiation), the stress determines the pressure, not other way around. Increases in the stress lead to stronger turbulence, more turbulent dissipation, and more heat. A consequence of this is that radiation pressure-supported accretion disks are thermally stable, in contrast to expectations based on assuming a strict α viscosity. Because of its fundamentally magnetic nature, the stress is directly proportional to the magnetic energy which is itself determined by the balance between MRI driving (at a range of scales) and turbulent dissipation. At the present time, however, we don't have a way to predict the magnetic field energy as a local function of the state of the disk.The recognition that MHD turbulence provides the stress in disks leads to new questions. For example, because magnetic stresses don't necessarily diminish in the plunging reg...