The recently discovered potent role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in regulation of gene and protein expression suggests an important role for these small RNAs in regulation of various physiological processes. miRNAs are -12فnt-long noncoding RNAs that are processed from endogenously generated -07فnt-long hairpin structures by the RNase III enzyme Dicer. The nascent miRNA is incorporated into the RNA-induced silencing complex that mediates miRNA-dependent translational suppression or, in rare cases, cleavage of respective mRNA targets (for review see references 1-3). Ablation of the miRNA-generating enzyme Dicer revealed a requirement for miRNAs in development of immune cells (4-6), skin progenitors (7), and limb outgrowth (8). The predicted role of miRNAs in regulation of mammalian cell function has been underscored by fi ndings that show the ability of individual miRNAs to aff ect diff erentiation and function of cells of various lineages, including T cells (9) and cardiac myocytes (10, 11).Several lines of evidence indicate the possibility of an important role of miRNAs in neuronal cells. Compared with other organs, both mouse and human brain express an exceptionally diverse spectrum of distinct miRNAs (12-16). Furthermore, the existence of neuron-specifi c miRNAs argues in favor of their important role in neuronal diff erentiation and/or specialized functions. The involvement of miRNAs in neuronal diff erentiation is strongly supported by dynamic changes in miRNA expression during brain development (14,17,18). Moreover, the ability of neuron-specifi c miRNA miR-124a to suppress expression of nonneuronal genes in an in vitro cell system suggests an important role for miRNAs as regulators of neuronal differentiation (19). The signifi cance of miRNAs in neuronal physiology is also suggested by data that show miRNA involvement in dendritic spine formation and neurite outgrowth in vitro (20,21). In summary, although there is mounting evidence for important roles for miRNAs in neuron cell diff erentiation, their role in diff erentiated, postmitotic neurons has not been addressed.Using Purkinje cells as a model system to analyze the role of miRNAs in postmitotic neurons, we demonstrate an essential role for miRNAs in neuronal survival. We show that inactivation of Dicer leads to relatively rapid disappearance of Purkinje cell-expressed miRNAs,