The requirement of the versatile signal generator has always been evident in modern RF and communication systems. The most conventional technique, voltage control oscillator (VCO), has inferior phase noise and narrow bandwidth despite its operating frequency can be up to the sub-THz regime. Its phase noise influenced by a various parameter associated with the oscillator circuit e.g. transistor size \& noise, bias current, noise leaking from the bias supply etc. The bandwidth is limited because the input voltage \& the output frequency of the VCO is not strictly linear over the tuning range. The phase noise and SFDR of the VCO output are enhanced by using the phase-lock technique. The phase-locked loop (PLL) uses the feedback system locking the reference frequency set by the VCO. However, the settling time of the PLL is higher due to a feedback control loop. The higher settling time increases the frequency switching time between PLL outputs. IG-oscillators is suitable for multi-GHz range and wide bandwidth application. Signal generation can alos be achieved by the free-electron radiation, optical lasers, Gunn diodes as well and they can operate even at the THz domain. All these signal generators suffer from slow frequency switching, lack of digital controllability, and advance modulation capability even though their frequency of operation is THz regime. Alternatively, the AWG (arbitrary wave generator) can produce a wide range of frequencies with low phase noise, including digital controllability. One of the vital components of the AWG is the direct digital synthesiser (DDS). Generally, it is composed of a phase accumulator, digital to analogue converter, sine mapping circuits and low pass filter. It needs a reference clock that acts as samples of the DDS outputs. Its output frequency can be varied by applying an appropriate digital input code. But high-speed DDS has several limitations; such as low number of output frequency points, lack of phase control unit, high power consumptions etc. This work addresses such limitations.