Dedicated to the 60 th birthdayo fProfessor DoctorW olfgang Schuhmann 1Introduction Electroreduction and electrooxidation can be commonly referredt oa se lectrocatalysis.E lectroreduction processes occur in av arietyo fe lectrochemical devices,i ncluding sensors ande lectrolyzers,a sw ell as fuel cells and some supercapacitors.T hese devices are used for analytical and synthetic purposes,a sw ell as for energy conversion and storage,r espectively.Avariety of simple and more complex compounds can be useda so xidants,i ncludingh ydronium ion (H 3 O + ), organica nd inorganic peroxides (ROOR'), nitric oxide (NO), nitrite( NO 2 À ), and molecular oxygen (O 2 ).Among different reductive processes of different oxidants,r eductiono fO 2 is the key reactionn ot only in many naturala nd artificial systems,b ut also in many living organisms, i.e. aerobes. As the oxygen partial pressure in the atmospherei ncreased, aerobic organisms came to dominate the planet'ss pecies [1].T hey,i ncluding humans,u se the aerobic oxidation of different biofuels in order to extracta sm uch energy as possible.S imultaneously,p artial reduction of O 2 ,o ccurring during aerobic respiration, will generate harmful reactive oxygen species, such as hydrogenp eroxide (H 2 O 2 ), superoxide and hydroxylr adicals,w hich need to be safely disposed of by the organism. In many electrochemical devices similar problems exist, i.e. the complete direct four-electron O 2 reduction to the innocuous product H 2 Oi sn ot fully realized, and H 2 O 2 will be produced, whichs houldb ea ddi-