The electrical resistivity of the magnetically ordered CeCu5Au has been investigated under pressure up to 8.5 GPa. In the magnetically ordered region (p < 3.4 GPa) the residual resistivity ρ0 shows a pronounced maximum as a function of pressure. Even in the nonmagnetic region ρ0 decreases monotonically by more than a factor of three. These two effects can be qualitatively explained in terms of the interplay of pressure, magnetism and disorder in a strongly correlated electron system with weak disorder.The behavior of the electrical resistivity ρ of metals when approaching zero temperature T has been of interest ever since the beginning of solid state physics. While it is clear that the residual resistivity ρ 0 of conventional metals is largely governed by lattice defects and impurities, the situation is much less clear for metals with strong electronic correlations and/or magnetic order at low T . In the independent-electron approximation, ρ 0 = m * /e 2 nτ = 3 2 π(h/e 2 )/(kF 2 l), where m * is the effective mass, τ the scattering time arising from electron scattering by defects and impurities, l the corresponding mean free path, n the electron density and k F the Fermi wave-number. In heavy-fermion (HF) systems, m * is enhanced by up to a factor of 1000 due to the Kondo effect arising from the exchange coupling of conduction electrons and nearly localized f -electrons. Nevertheless, ρ 0 is rather low in stoichiometric compounds: the quasi particles obey Bloch's theorem and scatter at T = 0 only from rare defects. The simple independent-electron expression above suggests that hydrostatic pressure p should affect ρ 0 only to a minor extent since both k F and l should depend on p only through the (small) change of electron density and interatomic distances.In this letter, we report ρ 0 measurements under hydrostatic pressure on the stoichiometric HF compound CeCu 5 Au where heavy quasiparticles, leading to a Sommerfeld coefficient γ = 0.64 J/molK 2 for T → 0, coexist with incommensurate antiferromagnetic (AF) order [1]. The magnetic ordering temperature T N in this system can be suppressed by pressure [2]. Surprisingly, a strong dependence of ρ 0 on p is found: starting from ρ 0 = 28 µΩcm for p = 0, ρ 0 passes over a pronounced maximum of 58 µΩcm at 1.8 GPa and decreases to 20 µΩcm at ≈ 3 GPa. Even in the nonmagnetic Fermi-liquid state (p 3.4 GPa), ρ 0 decreases substantially upon further pressure increase, reaching 6 µΩcm at 8.5 GPa.The single crystal of CeCu 5 Au (space group Pnma) used in this study was grown with the Czochralski method from the starting constituents Ce (5N), Cu (5N), and Au (4N). A part of the crystal was used for neutron experiments which revealed a very good quality of the single-phase sample [3]. Two small rectangular pieces (35 × 73 × 861µm 3 and 28 × 85 × 561µm 3 ) cut from the same crystal were used in two pressure experiments. A clamped-anvil high-pressure device [4], capable of reaching 10 GPa, was used to measure ρ(T ) by the four-point method for a current I along the crystallograph...