Crystal growth of III-V semiconductor nanowires assisted by a liquid particle/droplet occurs at the solid-liquid interface. This makes the stability of a droplet on the top of a nanowire crucial for successful nanowire growth. Using in-situ transmission electron microscopy together with theoretical analysis of the capillary forces involved, we conclude that truncation of the solid-liquid interface extend the stability range for a droplet in contact with the nanowire top interface. This provides insights to the limits of nanowire growth and is used to experimentally estimate the surface energy of the wurtzite {1 1 2 0} facet of GaAs.Epitaxial crystal growth of semiconductor nanowires assisted by a liquid-particle relies, in a simple perspective, on two fundamental principles: nucleation of material, and a liquid covering the growth front. As in many cases of crystal growth from a melt, the wetting angle, or the contact angle between the growing crystal and the melt, is of importance for crystal formation [1,2]. For nanowires grown by the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism, a fundamental stability criterion for having a droplet at the nanowire top has been proposed by Nebol'sin and Shchetinin[3] based on ex-situ observations and earlier theoretical work [4][5][6].Since their report on this stability limit, several experimental[7-11] and theoretical [12][13][14][15] investigations of nanowire growth focusing on the wetting properties of the liquid metal catalyst have been reported, often with focus on its influence on nucleation [8,9] rather than the droplet wetting dynamics. Still, this Nebol'sin-Shchetinin stability criterion remains generally accepted, perhaps due to the simplicity of the model. The Nebol'sin-Shchetinin model predicts an upper bound for having a droplet on the top nanowire facet by relating the ratio of the surface energies of the solid and liquid phases in contact with the vapor (γ sv and γ lv ) to the wetting angle and tapering of the nanowire[3].Although the model is widely accepted, it has important limitations: for instance growth of self-assisted GaAs [16] and InAs [17] have been extensively reported, although the relevant surface energy ratios are in these cases greater than the predicted upper bound (γ sv /γ lv ∼ 2 compared to √ 2 for un-tapered nanowires[3]). A limitation of the existing model is the assumption that the interface between droplet and nanowire is flat, which, according to experimental results [8,9,18], is not always the case during growth. These experimental reports have shown the formation of a truncation of the top nanowire facet during growth,