The bacterial flagellar motor (BFM) is a protein complex that confers motility to cells and contributes to survival and virulence. The BFM consists of stators that are ion-selective membrane protein complexes and a rotor that directly connects to a large filament, acting as a propeller. The stator complexes couple ion transit across the membrane to torque that drives rotation of the motor. The most common ion gradients that drive BFM rotation are protons (H+) and sodium ions (Na+). The sodium-powered stators, like those in the PomAPomB stator complex of Vibrio spp, can be inhibited by sodium channel inhibitors, in particular, by phenamil, a potent and widely used inhibitor. However, relatively few new sodium-motility inhibitors have been described since the discovery of phenamil. In this study, we discovered two motility inhibitors HM2-16F and BB2-50F from a small library of previously reported amiloride derivatives. Using a tethered cell assay, we showed that both HM2-16F and BB2-50F had inhibition comparable to that of phenamils on Na+ driven motors at matching concentrations, with an additional ability to inhibit rotation in H+ driven motors. The two compounds did not exhibit adverse effects on bacterial growth at the motility-inhibiting concentration of 10 uM, however toxicity was seen for BB2-50F at 100 uM. We performed higher resolution measurements to examine rotation inhibition at moderate (1 um polystyrene bead) and low loads (60 nm gold bead) and in both the presence and absence of stators. These measurements suggested that the compounds did not inhibit rotation via direct association with the stator, in contrast to the established mode of action of phenamil. Overall, HM2-16F and BB2-50F showed reversible inhibition of motility across a range of loads, in both Na+ and H+ stator types, and in pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains.