The ordered nanopore array laser diode is a structure which exhibits three-dimensional carrier confinement similar to quantum dot lasers without the undesirable effects of spatially disconnected carrier pools. Simulation and experimental results will be presented.
IntroductionQuantum dots, specifically the growth of patterned quantum dots [1], has been heavily studied in recent years due to the potential advantages [2, 3] of full, three-dimensional carrier confinement that these structures achieve. We have previously reported [4, 5] on a process for fabricating explicitly patterned quantum dots using nanoscale electron beam lithography and selective area metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) which allows a greater degree of control over the structure than can be achieved by conventional self-assembly techniques. In this work, we have extended this fabrication process to create an ordered nanopore array active layer which consists of a quantum well containing an in-plane lattice of localized energy barriers with feature sizes on the order of the electron wavelength. This nanopore structure results in a reduction of the electronic density of states within the active layer allowing many of the advantages of quantum dots associated with three-dimensional (3-D) quantization. At the same time, the array of 3-D quantum potential wells created by the nanopore lattice share a common carrier pool, reducing or eliminating the inhomogeneous broadening observed in spatially separated quantum dots.The work presented here is the first reported demonstration of high performance room-temperature nanopore laser diodes. It is an initial proof-of-concept that the density of states, and thus, the absorption/gain spectrum of a quantum well, can be modified through the introduction of a periodic potential barrier, and that the fabrication process is capable of producing high quality devices.
Theory of the Nanopore LaserThe nanopore laser consists of a quantum well laser with an active layer which has been periodically perturbed with localized high energy barriers. Figure 1 is an illustration of the nanopore active layer. It resembles an inverted conventional single-layer quantum dot system where the "dots" are high potential energy regions compared to the background. Theoretically, this structure should result in an energy configuration containing a ground state solution corresponding to a wavefunction which is highly localized to the regions between the energy barriers. A forbidden energy band separates it from a continuum band of higher energy states. Figure 2 shows the calculated dispersion relationship for a square lattice ordered nanopore array. The size of the forbidden band and the configuration of the energy states depend on the lattice constant of the structure and the physical size of the barrier regions. The continuum states provide a mechanism for strong electronic coupling and a common carrier pool for the localized states.
Fabrication ProcessInitially a base structure is grown that consists of the lower half of ...