new regime is attained-the strong coupling regime (SCR)-where light and matter exchange energy coherently and periodically. In the frequency domain, this leads to a radical change of the system's spectral response. From the first observation with Rydberg atoms, the SCR has been demonstrated in a plethora of systems spanning excitons, organic molecules, electronic transitions, superconducting qubits and many others. [2] The strength of the light-matter interaction is often gauged by a dimensionless parameter η that is the ratio between the coupling constant Ω R (also called the vacuum Rabi frequency) over the resonant transition frequency ω 0 . [3] Above a value η > 0.1, one enters the ultra-strong coupling (USC) regime where the diamagnetic terms of the interaction Hamiltonian start to play an important role, leading to a deviation from the linear approximation and the formation of a sizeable population of virtual photons in the ground state of the system. [4] The same foundational article by Ciuti et al. [4] also proposed that an abrupt modulation of the system ground state leads to a release of such virtual population as real photons, an approach that could lead to the development of non-classical light emitters at long-wavelengths.
Continuously graded parabolic quantum wellswith excellent optical performances are used to overcome the low-frequency and thermal limitations of square quantum wells at terahertz (THz) frequencies. The formation of microcavity intersubband polaritons at frequencies as low as 1.8 THz is demonstrated, with a sustained ultra-strong coupling regime up to a temperature of 200 K. Thanks to the excellent intersubband transition linewidth, polaritons present quality factors up to 17. It is additionally shown that the ultra-strong coupling regime is preserved when the active region is embedded in subwavelength resonators, with an estimated relative strength η = Ω R /ω 0 = 0.12. This represents an important milestone for future studies of quantum vacuum radiation because such resonators can be optically modulated at ultrafast rates, possibly leading to the generation of non-classical light via the dynamic Casimir effect. Finally, with an effective volume of 2 10 6 0 3 λ × × − −, it is estimated that fewer than 3000 electrons per resonator are ultra-strongly coupled to the quantized electromagnetic mode, proving it is also a promising approach to explore few-electron polaritonic systems operating at relatively high temperatures.