This article describes a director of clinical training (DCT) mentorship program aimed at teaching administrative skills to graduate students. Toward this end, the administrative knowledge and skills targeted in the program are described, followed by a discussion of the implications of this training experience, including the potential applicability to other disciplines within psychology. Although the DCT mentorship experience that is presented seems to be a promising model for administrative training, future efforts are needed to evaluate the relative merits of this type of program over die long term.Where and how do psychologists learn the skills necessary to function in administrative roles, such as being a director of clinical training (DCT)? Increasingly, psychologists are becoming involved in administrative and consultative functioning (Cummings, 1995;D. R. Peterson & Knudson, 1979;Robiner, 1991). The need for administrative training in psychology is generally apparent, including training director posts such as the DCT position. DCTs