) is obtained in all cases. Our results are in excellent agreement with experimental data which allows us to predict the balance energy for 238 U + 238 U collision around 37-39 MeV/nucleon.
PACS numbers:Thirty years ago it was predicted by Scheid and Greiner [1] that in heavy ion reactions the nuclei will be compressed and heated and that this yields for non central reactions to in-plane flow p dir x . More than a decade later, this conjecture was confirmed by the Plastic Ball group [2]. In the following investigations it turned out that this in-plane flow carries information on the nuclear equation of state [3]. If the nuclear equation of state is stiffer, more compressional energy will be stored in semicentral reactions and, when released, more in-plane flow will be given to the nucleons.The maximal density which is reached in a reaction depends on the beam energy as well as on the system size. The lower the beam energy the less is the compression. At very low energies, the repulsive part of the nuclear equation of state, which appears at densities above the normal nuclear matter density, is not tested anymore and the nucleons feel only the attractive mean field. A typical example is the deep inelastic reactions in which the two nuclei rotate around a common center. This rotation creates in-plane flow as well but in opposite direction: Due to the common rotation the nucleons stick together for a while and will be emitted into the direction opposite to the impact parameter whereas the in-plane flow which is caused by compression will be in the direction of the impact parameter.There is a beam energy at which the in-plane flow disappears when changing from the direction into that opposite to the impact parameter. It has been shown in the simulation of heavy ion reactions that this beam energy called balance energy, E bal , [4,5,6] depends on the nucleon-nucleon (nn) cross-section in the medium as well as on the potential [5,6] [7,12,13,15].Apart from the directed in-plane flow, differential as well as elliptic flow has also been predicted very recently [16].The measurements of the balance energy over wide range of system sizes provide an excellent opportunity to pin down the role of the mass dependence, where only preliminary studies [7,10] have been performed yet. These preliminary studies suggest a power law dependence ∝ A τ of the balance energy on the mass number of the system. Interestingly, most of the theoretical studies are done within the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) model [4,5,6,7,10,12,15,16,17,18,19,20,21]. Some attempts, however, also exist within the framework of Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) model [13,22,23,24]. Heavy systems are rather rarely analyzed in these approaches.Our present aim is therefore to study the mass dependence of the balance energy in heavy colliding nuclei and to predict for the first time the disappearance of the collective in-plane flow in central 238 U + 238 U collision. We shall show that the mass dependence of E bal for heavier nuclei scales approximately more asra...