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AbstractHerein, we present a numerical convergence study of the Cahn-Hilliard phase-field model within an isogeometric finite element analysis framework. Using a manufactured solution, a mixed formulation of the Cahn-Hilliard equation and the direct discretisation of the weak form, which requires a C 1 -continuous approximation, are compared in terms of convergence rates. For approximations that are higher than second-order in space, the direct discretisation is found to be superior. Suboptimal convergence rates occur when splines of order p = 2 are used. This is validated with a priori error estimates for linear problems. The convergence analysis is completed with an investigation of the temporal discretisation. Second-order accuracy is found for the generalised-α method. This ensures the functionality of an adaptive time stepping scheme which is required for the efficient numerical solution of the Cahn-Hilliard equation. The isogeometric finite element framework is eventually validated by two numerical examples of spinodal decomposition.