The purpose of this study is to analyse the keyword relationships of paediatric cancer patient's experiences whilst being hospitalised during the treatment session. This study collects data through 40 days of observations on 21 paediatric cancer patients. A combination of text analytical visualizations such as network analysis map and bubble graph to analyse the data is applied in this study. Through the analysis, keywords such as "cri" (crying), "lay" (laying), "sleep" (sleeping) and "watch" (watching) are found the most common activities that have been experienced by paediatric cancer patients when they were hospitalised. Based on this observation, it can be argued that these activities can be represented as the experience that they have whilst being in the hospital. Based on the findings, hospitalised paediatric cancer patient's experience is limited due to the treatment protocol that requires them to be attached to intravenous line. Therefore, most of their activities are focused in bed such as sleeping, playing with their mobile, watching video and so on in bed. This study also offers a novel approach of transforming cancer patient data into useful knowledge about keyword relationship in paediatric cancer patient's experience during their stay in the hospital. The incorporation of these two text analytics offers insights for researchers to understand the interesting hidden knowledge in the collection of unstructured data, and this information can be used by medical providers, psychologists, games designers and others to develop any applications that can assist their difficulties and ease their pain while warded in the hospital.