The superconducting state in vanadium characterizes with the critical temperature (T c ) equal to 5.3 K. The Coulomb pseudopotential, calculated with the help of the Eliashberg equations, possesses anomalously high value μ (3 max ) = 0.259 or μ (10 max ) = 0.368 ( max denotes the maximum phonon frequency). Despite the relatively large electron-phonon coupling constant (λ = 0.91), the quantities such as the order parameter ( ), the specific heat (C), and the thermodynamic critical field (H c ) determine the values of the dimensionless ratios not deviating much from the predictions of the BCS theory: R = Keywords Electron-phonon superconductivity in vanadium · Eliashberg theory · Semi-analytical approach · Coulomb pseudopotential · Thermodynamic propertiesThe classical Eliashberg theory is used to quantitative description of the superconducting state, which is mediated by the electron-phonon interaction [1]. The strong-coupling and the retardation effects omitted in BCS model [2,3] are included in the Eliashberg theory by assumption that the electron band energy is directly renormalized by the frequency-dependent order parameter ( n = (iω n )), the wave function renormalization factor (Z n = Z (iω n )), and the energy shift function (χ n = χ (iω n )). The symbol ω n = (π/β) (2n − 1) denotes the Matsubara frequency, β = 1/ k B T , where k B is the Boltzmann constant. In most cases, the materials, in which we observe the phonon induced superconducting state, characterize with the very wide electron band (W max , where W denotes the half-width of the band, and max is the Debye frequency). For this reason, the analysis of the superconducting state can be conducted with the help of the Eliashberg equations for the half-filled electron band [4,5]:whereas the order parameter is given by the formula n = φ n /Z n . The electron-phonon pairing kernel has the form of λ (iω n − iω m ) = 2 +∞ 0 dω α 2 F (ω)ω (ω n −ω m ) 2 +ω 2 . The spectral function α 2 F (ω) is usually calculated numerically by using the ab initio approach, where the electron band energy, the