Abstract. We survey recent developments and give some new results concerning uniqueness of weak and renormalized solutions for degenerate parabolic problems of the form ut − div (a 0 (∇w) + F (w)) = f , u ∈ β(w) for a maximal monotone graph β, a Leray-Lions type nonlinearity a 0 , a continuous convection flux F , and an initial condition u| t=0 = u 0 . The main difficulty lies in taking boundary conditions into account. Here we consider Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions or the case of the problem in the whole space.We avoid the degeneracy that could make the problem hyperbolic in some regions; yet our starting point is the notion of entropy solution, notion that underlies the theory of general hyperbolic-parabolic-elliptic problems. Thus, we focus on techniques that are compatible with hyperbolic degeneracy, but here they serve to treat only the "parabolic-elliptic aspects". We revisit the derivation of entropy inequalities inside the domain and up to the boundary; technique of "going to the boundary" in the Kato inequality for comparison of two solutions; uniqueness for renormalized solutions obtained via reduction to weak solutions. On several occasions, the results are achieved thanks to the notion of integral solution coming from the nonlinear semigroup theory.1. Introduction 1.1. A survey of literature. Study of degenerate parabolic problems has undergone a considerable progress in the last ten years, thanks to the fundamental paper of J. Carrillo [26] in which the Kruzhkov device of doubling of variables was extended to hyperbolic-parabolic-elliptic problems of the form j(v)−div(f (v)+∇ϕ(v)) = 0, and a technique for treating the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions was put forward. In [26], the appropriate notion of entropy solution was established, and this definition (or, sometimes, parts of the uniqueness techniques of [26]) led to many developments; among them, let us mention [2,3,5,4,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,18,19,24,25,27,29,30,34,37,38,39,41,42,45,46,47,48,52,53,57,58,59]. Also numerical aspects of the problem were investigated; see, e.g., [7,32,33,35,40,49].The notion of entropy solution (or, as in the present paper, entropy solutions techniques used on weak solutions) was retained by most of the authors; yet, let us mention the version of Bendahmane and Karlsen [18,19] We thank Safimba Soma for fruitful discussions on the subject of this note, and the anonymous referee for a careful reading and very pertinent remarks.