We consider the quantum dynamics of excitations in a system of two capacitively coupled Josephson junctions. Quantum breather states are found in the middle of the energy spectrum of the confined nonescaping states of the system. They are characterized by a strong excitation of one junction. These states perform slow tunneling motion from one junction to the other, while keeping their coherent nature. The tunneling time sensitively depends on the initial excitation energy. By using an external bias as a control parameter, the tunneling time can be varied with respect to the escape time and the experimentally limited coherence time. Thus one can control the flow of quantum excitations between the two junctions.PACS numbers: 63.20. Pw, 74.50.+r, 63.20.Ry Josephson junctions are the subject of extensive studies in quantum information experiments because they possess two attractive properties: they are nonlinear devices, and also show macroscopic quantum behavior [1,2,3]. The dynamics of a biased Josephson junction (JJ) is analogous to the dynamics of a particle with a mass proportional to the junction capacitance C J , moving on a tilted washboard potentialwhich is sketched in Fig.1-b. Here ϕ is the phase difference between the macroscopic wave functions in both superconducting electrodes of the junction, I c is the critical current of the junction, and Φ 0 = h/2e the flux quantum. When the energy of the particle is large enough to overcome the barrier ∆U (that depends on the bias current I b ) it escapes and moves down the potential, switching the junction into a resistive state with a nonzero voltage proportional toφ. Quantization of the system leads to discrete energy levels inside the wells in the potential, which are nonequidistant because of the anharmonicity. Note that even if there is not enough energy to classically overcome the barrier, the particle may perform a quantum escape and tunnel outside the well, thus switching the junction into the resistive state [1]. Thus each state inside the well is characterized by a bias and a statedependent inverse lifetime, or escape rate. Progress on manipulation of quantum JJs includes spectroscopic analysis, better isolation schemes, and simultaneous measurement techniques [2,3,4,5,6,7], and paves the way for using them as JJ qubits in arrays for experiments on processing quantum information. Typically the first two or three quantum levels of one junction are used as quantum bits. Since the levels are nonequidistant, they can be separately excited by applying microwave pulses.So far, the studies on JJ qubits focused on low energy excitations involving the first few energy levels of the junctions. Larger energies in the quantum dynamics of JJs give rise to new phenomena that can be observed by using the already developed techniques for quantum information experiments. For instance, it was suggested that Josephson junctions operating at higher energies may be used for experiments on quantum chaos [8,9,10]. Another phenomenon is the excitation of quantum breathers (Q...