We study the continuity properties of optimal solutions to stochastic control problems with respect to initial probability measures and applications of these to the robustness of optimal control policies applied to systems with incomplete or incorrect priors. It is shown that for single and multi-stage optimal cost problems, continuity and robustness cannot be established under weak convergence in general, but that the optimal expected cost is continuous in the priors under the convergence in total variation under mild conditions. By imposing further assumptions on the measurement models, robustness and continuity also hold under weak convergence of priors. We thus obtain robustness results and bounds on the mismatch error that occurs due to the application of a control policy which is designed for an incorrectly estimated prior as the incorrect prior converges to the true one. Positive and negative practical implications of these results in empirical learning for stochastic control are presented, where almost surely weak convergence of i.i.d. empirical measures occurs but stronger notions of convergence, such as total variation convergence, in general, do not.where P is the (prior) distribution of the initial state X 0 , andwhere T (·|x, u) is a stochastic kernel from X× U to X and Q(·|x) is a stochastic kernel from X to Y.We let the objective of the agent be the minimization of the cost for the static or single stage case,over the set of admissible policies γ ∈ Γ, where c : X × U → R is a Borel-measurable stagewise cost function and E Q,γ P denotes the expectation with initial state probability measure P and measurement channel Q under policy γ. Note that P ∈ P(X), where we let P(X) denote the set of probability measures on X.For the multi-stage case, we will discuss the discounted cost infinite horizon setting, with the following cost criterion to be minimized.for some β ∈ (0, 1).We define the optimal cost for the single-stage and the discounted infinite horizon as a function of the priors asProof. We use that β (P, Q).From inequalities (2.4), (2.5) and (2.6) we have that |J β (P, Q, γ * Pn ) − J β (P n , Q, γ * Pn )| is upper bounded as P n (dx 0 ) − P (dx 0 ) T V 1 1−β c ∞ . The analysis is then complete by considering Theorem 2.13.We now develop a robustness result under weak convergence of priors for multi-stage case. First, we give a lemma showing that for any multi-stage setting with a controlled Markov chain satisfying Assumption 2.3, the cost at any time stage is continuous in priors under weak convergence. THEOREM 3.3. Under Assumption 2.3, as P n → P weakly, we have, |J β (P, T , γ * Pn ) − J * β (P, T )| → 0Proof. We use the following bound again,