This paper investigates some parallel relations between the operators ( − ) and in Hilbert spaces in such a way that the pseudocontractivity, asymptotic pseudocontractivity, and asymptotic pseudocontractivity in the intermediate sense of one of them are equivalent to the accretivity, asymptotic accretivity, and asymptotic accretivity in the intermediate sense of the other operator. If the operators are self-adjoint then the obtained accretivity-type properties are also passivity-type properties. Such properties are very relevant in stability theory since they refer to global stability properties of passive feed-forward, in general, nonlinear, and time-varying controlled systems controlled via feedback by elements in a very general class of passive, in general, nonlinear, and time-varying controllers. These results allow the direct generalization of passivity results in controlled dynamic systems to wide classes of tandems of controlled systems and their controllers, described by -operators, and their parallel interpretations as pseudocontractive properties of their counterpart ( − )-operators. Some of the obtained results are also directly related to input-passivity, output-passivity, and hyperstability properties in controlled dynamic systems. Some illustrative examples are also given in the framework of dynamic systems described by extended square-integrable input and output signals.