As investigators, we use many methodologies to answer both practical and theoretical questions in our field. Occasionally, we must stop and collect the latest findings or trends and then look forward to where our ideas, findings, and hypotheses may take us. Similar to volumes that were published in previous years on drug discrimination (Glennon and Young, Drug discrimination applications to medicinal chemistry and drug studies. Wiley, Hoboken, 2011; Ho et al., Drug discrimination and state dependent learning. Academic Press, New York, 1978), this collection in Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences serves as a current analysis of the continued value of the drug discrimination procedure to the fields of pharmacology, neuroscience, and psychology and as a stepping stone to where drug discrimination methodology can be applied next, in both a practical and theoretical sense. This final chapter represents one investigator's perspective on the utility and possibilities for a methodology that she fell in love with over 30 years ago.