In Chile, discourses on educational quality and inclusion are defined in a competitive framework, highlighting best performing schools in the national standardized tests, which tend to be private schools belonging to the country's capital. This ranking defines "excellence" and reflects inequality and segregation. Nevertheless, in 2018, the first place was taken by a regional public school. From Social Semiotics and a multimodal perspective, we seek to understand the meanings created in mass media and internet by different social actors about this high-performing public school. This study contrasts the meaning making by the Education Quality Agency, National Television (TVN) and the school principal. A multimodal discourse analysis is applied to an audio-visual corpus of three videos. Three emerging categories transverse the voices' discourses, defining educational quality in terms of: community, art and languages, and keys to success. These meanings are materialized in dynamic multimodal ensembles which associate the meanings of quality to management, effort, and humanization as rebellion.