The buildup and decay of a laminar or turbulent flow over a sloping plane is treated by the kinematic-wave method, neglecting the slope of the water surface relative to the slope of the plane. The relationships developed show certain distinct differences from those postulated in the unit hydrograph method. liowever, a comparison of the results of calculations with published experimental measurements shows quite good agreement. The problem is extended to include the case of groundwater flow through a porous medium overlying a sloping impermeable stratum, where water is supplied by infiltration from the ground surface above. liere the depth of water may be appreciable, so that the actual slope of the water surface influences the gravity flow significantly, leading to a nonlinear diffusion problem. Solutions of this problem for the buildup and decay phases are compared with those obtained by the kinematic-wave method, and significant differences are noted for the latter phase. Further, the physical boundary condition at the upper edge of the slope changes at a critical precipitation rate, the depth of water being either finite or zero there depending upon whether the rate is greater than or less than the critical value. Figure 1) which is of length L, slope S ------sin O, and of unit width perpendicular to the plane of the diagram. We take the origin at A with the x axis along AB. Rain begins to fall at a rate Vo per unit area, where Vo is a constant. We shall examine the buildup of a two-dimensionM flow over the surface until a steady state is reached and the subsidence of the flow after the rain ceases.
Flow over an impermeable surface. Consider an impermeable surface (
The continuity equation takes the form
O__q.+ Oh Ox •-= Vo(1) where t is the time, q is the flow or discharge rate, and h denotes the depth of water. A relationship between q and h can be found from the dynamical equations. Following Keulegan [1944], we shall neglect the impact of raindrops on the surface and the acceleration terms x This paper is based upon an earlier version prepared while the second author was at Applied