We determined the age and growth of the dog snapper (Lutjanus jocu), caught in the region of Abrolhos Bank, Bahia State, by the fishermen from coastal communities of Prado, Alcobaça, Caravelas, and Nova Viçosa. We examined 205 sectioned otoliths of fish caught by harpoon, longline, hand line, and gill nets (14.5 to 79.5 cm fork length). The formation of each ring was considered annual. The sectioned otoliths showed between 0 and 29 rings. Nearly half of the analyzed specimens had between 0 and 7 rings (88 of 205). Fish caught with nets in the estuarine region were the juvenile, while fish caught with lines and harpoons were the oldest. Two von Bertalanffy growth models were fitted to length-at-age data: one assuming constant variance of length-at-age (SVB) and another assuming constant coefficient of variation, i.e. variance increasing as a function of average size (CVVB). The SVB estimates were Loo = 87.82 cm, K = 0.10, and t0 = -1.486 and the CVVB estimates were Loo = 117.60 cm, K = 0.06, and t0 = -2.470. The largest Loo values estimated by the CVVB model are supported by reports from the literature of larger animals occurring in the deeper outer shelf of Abrolhos Bank. Growth parameters were also estimated for males and females separately (SVB model) (Loo = 92.80 cm, K = 0.099, and t0 = -1.680 for males, and Loo = 82.10 cm, K = 0.105, and t0 = -1.570 for females).