We haVe found that the combination of chlorosilane and metallic Dy can serVe as an effectiVe promoter for the radical cyclotrimerization of alkynes as well as the transformation of imines to imidazolidines and hydrazines. In addition, catalytic quantities of SiCl 4 /Dy can also effectiVely promote the radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate.Recently, Yang and Verkade 1 and we 2 discovered that silyl radical could effectively catalyze the cyclotrimerization of alkynes. However, these methodologies require the use of either expensive radical precursors such as Si 2 Cl 6 1 or a not easily available initiator (DyI 2 ), 3 along with the need for a special workup procedure. Furthermore, it is found that the regioselectivity of these reactions was remarkably affected by the nature of the initiating system. To further perfect this rare silyl radical catalyzed reaction, we have been interested in the possibility of developing a simple alternative method to generate silyl radicals from common chlorosilanes using more readily available metal species as initiators.Lanthanide metals are stable in air, are nontoxic and cheap, and have strong reducing power. Noticeably, although the use of lanthanide metals as versatile reductants has been shown in organic synthesis, all of these have been focused on stoichiometric reactions. 4 The finding that the Sm/SmI 2 system is more active than "SmI 2 " prompts us to examine whether metallic Dy can be used instead of DyI 2 in initiating silyl radical reactions. 5 Moreover, we are also interested in incorporating the stoichiometric reaction with lanthanide metals in some catalytic context. Herein, we report a novel, highly efficient, and general method to initiate silyl radical reactions using metallic Dy and a successful application of this system in organic synthesis.As shown in Table 1, a Dy/chlorosilane system proved to be effective in radical cyclotrimerization of terminal alkynes, indicating that Dy alone can be used instead of DyI 2 as an initiator during this reaction. 2 All acetylenes gave very high regioselectivity, except for alkylacetylenes. After we screened a variety of such silanes, SiCl 4 gave the best results ( Table 2).Cyclotrimerization of alkynes represents an attractive strategy for the preparation of substituted benzenes, owing to its intrinsic atom economy. 6 Despite significant recent advances in this area, 7 most of them belong to transition-metal-based reactions. The major limitation of these processes is that the metallic catalysts or precursors employed are expensive and/or not easily available. To the best of our knowledge, examples of the radical-based intermolecular cyclotrimerization of alkynes are very rare. In comparison with the Cl 3 SiSiCl 3 -mediated identical reaction, 1 the present system not only provides a more convenient method for the formation of SiCl 3 radical under mild conditions from