Nitrification and biofilm growth
within distribution systems remain
major issues for drinking water treatment plants utilizing chloramine
disinfection. Many chloraminated plants periodically switch to chlorine
disinfection for several weeks to mitigate these issues, known as
“chlorine burns”. The evaluation of disinfection byproduct
(DBP) formation during chlorine burns beyond regulated DBPs is scarce.
Here, we quantified an extensive suite of 80 regulated and emerging,
unregulated DBPs from 10 DBP classes in drinking water from two U.S.
drinking water plants during chlorine burn and chloramination treatments.
Total organic halogen (TOX), including total organic chlorine, total
organic bromine, and total organic iodine, was also quantified, and
mammalian cell cytotoxicity of whole water mixtures was assessed in
chlorine burn waters for the first time. TOX and most DBPs increased
in concentration during chlorine burns, and one emerging DBP, trichloroacetaldehyde,
reached 99 μg/L. THMs and HAAs reached concentrations of 249
and 271 μg/L, respectively. Two highly cytotoxic nitrogenous
DBP classes, haloacetamides and haloacetonitriles, increased during
chlorine burns, reaching up to 14.2 and 19.3 μg/L, respectively.
Cytotoxicity did not always increase from chloramine treatment to
chlorine burn, but a 100% increase in cytotoxicity was observed for
one plant. These data highlight that consumer DBP exposure during
chlorine burns can be substantial.