and tetragonal-bipyramidal [Pt(en)212] 2+ units, the disorder arising from a stacking mistake involving displacement of the chain by one-half of the repeating unit. The oxidation number of each Pt atom can be assigned on the basis of the Pt-I distances. However, judging from the ratios of the PtW--I and ptn-I distances, the difference of the oxidation states between Pt n and Pt ~v atoms is much reduced compared with those of the chloro and bromo analogs.Introduction. In the previous study in this series, we determined the crystal structures of [Pt(tn) Golden lustrous platy crystals of the title compound were obtained from dilute perchloric acid solution (Matsumoto, Yamashita & Kida, 1978a). Crystals exhibited a remarkable dichroism: they are dark-brown with polarized light along the b axis and light-brown with polarized light perpendicular to the b axis. Rotation and Weissenberg photographs about the b axis showed normal sharp reflections on even layers but only diffuse and continuous reflections on odd layers. These reflections are indexed with respect to the subcell for which b is halved (b = 5.820 A). In the subcell unit, the iodine atoms have half-weight. The dimensions of the single crystal used for the intensity measurements were 0.1 x 0.54 x 0.24 mm. Intensity data were collected on a Syntex Pi four-circle diffractometer with Mo Ka radiation monochromated by a graphite plate.850 independent reflections within a range of 20 < 52 ° were collected by the 0-20 scan technique with a variable scan rate of 4.0-24.0 ° min -~. 738 reflections with I > 3.00o(1) were considered as observed and were used for the analysis. Lorentz and polarization corrections were applied for the data. Corrections for the absorption effect were made (Busing & Levy, 1957).The structure was solved by a combination of minimum-function and heavy-atom methods. Systematic subcell absences found on the Weissenberg photographs were consistent with space groups C2, Cm or C2/m. Of these, C2 was selected on the basis of the restriction on the crystal packing of the counter ions and the conformation of the ethylenediamine, and was later confirmed in the course of the structure determination. The positions of all non-hydrogen atoms were obtained from the minimum-function maps. Block-diagonal least-squares refinement of the atomic coordinates and isotropic thermal parameters was carried out, and the discrepancy indices R 1 = Y I IFolIFcll/IFo I and R2 = [Y w(IFol --IFcl)were 9.06 and 11.27% respectively. The refinement then proceeded with anisotropic temperature factors for the Pt, I and CI atoms, and the final discrepancy indices were R 1 = 5.41 and R 2 = 6.57%. A final difference Fourier synthesis showed no significant feature. In the least-squares procedure, the weighting scheme was w = (1.5 + 0.0671Fol) -1. The atomic scattering factors were taken from International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974) (2) 1023 (13) 3030 (41) 4624 (32) 3.4 (4) 0 (3) 1933 (16) 5285 (95) 6389 (38) 7.1 (7) 0 (4) 1836 (13) 5340 (80) 3183 (31) 5.1 (5) N (1) 1153...