Daily intramuscular injections (20 f-Lgjday) of oestradiol-3, 17,8 dipropionate in adult male rats depressed body growth and reduced the weight of the testes and seminal vesicles between 4 and 8 days of treatment.The proportion of soluble acid phosphatase (E.C., acid proteinase (E.C., and ,8-glucuronidase (E.C., increased during oestradiol treatment. There was also an increase in the total amount of acid proteinase and ,8.glucuronidase but no significant change in total acid phosphatase activity with oestrogen treatment. These changes in hydrolase activity coincided with a decrease in the yield of late primary spermatocytes from early primary spermatocytes, and long spermatidsfromroundspermatids. Histochemical evidence supported the biochemical and histochemical findings, with increasing tubular staining of acid phosphatase and lipid in the testis during treatment.It is concluded that lysosomal enzymes are important in testicular degeneration and probably in normal spermatogenesis.