Abstract. We present the elements of a new advanced non-stationary theory of global mechanisms in atmospheric low-frequency processes, teleconnection effects to modelling global atmospheric behaviour, dispersion of radionuclides, assessing radioactivity impact of the Fukushima (Chernobyl) nuclear accidents on the environment. The approach is based on the energy, moment balance relationships for the global atmospheric low-frequency processes, atmospheric macroturbulence theory, link of tropospheric waveguides with atmospheric moisture circulation and, accordingly, with the shape of the atmospheric circulation over the position of the front sections of (atmospheric fronts as the main drives moisture). Atmospheric moisture cycle is linked with such typical low-frequency process as the angular momentum balance; the latter accounts violation of the atmosphere rotating balance with the Earth, which may be under developing meridional processes with the implementation of the mass transfer of air and steam between the tropical latitudes (with a large linear velocity) and slowly rotating А. В. Глушков, А. В. Романова, В. В. Буяджи, Е. В. Бакунина, О. Ю. Хецеліус...
48air masses of the polar latitudes (a process of slow teleconnection). The approach is realized and implemented into the new microsystem technology "GeoMath-RadEnv" and focused on the testing and prediction of the air mass (particles) flows in the global atmospheric picture, determination of the new predictors for long-term and very long-forecasts of low-frequency atmospheric processes. PC experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the approach in applying to modeling the balance of angular momentum, the transfer of atmospheric masses (moisture flow) with respect to the genesis of tropospheric waveguides, the continuity of atmospheric circulation forms (telecommunication, frontgenesis). The application of the method to the modeling of global atmospheric behavior, the scattering of radionuclides after accidents at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima (Chernobyl) demonstrates its effectiveness, which is confirmed by the physically reasonable agreement between the predicted and measured spatial distribution of radionuclides in the atmosphere, the direction and dynamics of the flows of air masses (particles).Keywords: atmospheric low-frequency processes, energy and angular momentum balance, teleconnection, global atmospheric behaviour and dispersion of radionuclides, nuclear power plant accidents and radiation-environmental consequences
НОВИЙ БАЛАНСОВИЙ ПІДХІД ДО МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ МАКРОТУРБУЛЕНТНОЇ АТМОСФЕРНОЇ ДИНАМІКИ, ПРОСТОРОВОГО РОЗПОДІЛУ РАДІОНУКЛІДІВ В ГЛОБАЛЬНІЙ АТМОСФЕРІ, ЇХ ВПЛИВУ НА НАВКОЛИШНЄ СЕРЕДОВИЩЕ ПІСЛЯ ЯДЕРНОЇ АВАРІЇ НА АЕС ФУКУСІМААнотація. Ми представляємо елементи нового нестаціонарної теорії, що описує глобальні механізми в атмосферних низькочастотних процесах, ефекти телеконнекціі та ін. для моделю-вання глобальної атмосферної поведінки, просторово-часового розподілу (дисперсії) радіону-клідів, оцінки радіоактивного впливу наслідків аварій на а...