especially well suited for orbital applications, The results of the first orbital fiber transmission experiments aboard the We report energydependent proton and Cod0 test LDEF satellite have recently been reported [l]. Also, NASA results and analysis assessing performance of In,,,Gao,,As has space qualified the MIL-STD-1773 1 megabit per second photodetectors and In,, ,,Ga, BAso 6,Po 39 laser diodes for WPS) fiber based data bus [21 which is designed P r i m l y satellite applications. Displacement damage degradation in for telemetry and control applications. Radiation tests have calculations of the nonionizing energy loss (NIEL) for m~s f u l l y on board *e solar malou lo us and technique for evaluating displacement damage in orbit. For the first time, data are presented confirming the proton energy dependence of NIEL in a 111-V material over the effects in optmlectronic devices due to total dose and ionization transients. the Inphotdemor is interpreted using DLTS. New been reported on this system 131, and it is menfly operating protons in Inallow damage assessment using a general Magnetosphefic Particle Explorer ( S M E W satellite launched On "y 1992. Past emphasis on radiation effects in optoelectronic environments with displacement damage from neutrons and photocurrent transients being key concerns. Several studies [4-71 have addressed these effects in GaAs LED sources andSi and GaAs photodetectors for application at the 850 nm wavelength. Some attention has also been given to injection laser diode response at that same wavelength, but the LED was emphasized in those studies due to its simplicity and superior range of interest for spacecraft. we also discuss devices have focused on survivability in weapo~ls