The hepatic cellular distribution in rats of radioiron and radiocarbon after [14C-gluconic acid] -a n d Fe-labelled iron-poly(sorbito1-gluconic acid) complex, glusoferron (Ferastralc), has been investigated. Following administration of the "Fe-iron complex at a dose level corresponding to 10 mg of iron per kg bodyweight, the ratio of radioactivity per 10' cells in parenchymal (P) and non-parenchymal (NP) cell fractions, the P/NP ratio, was 3.0 after 24 hours and rose to 10.4 at day 14. After 100 mg/kg the ratio was 0.9, 10.5 and 5.7 at day 1,4 and 14, respectively. Radiocarbon content in the different cell compartments fell steadily throughout. Radioiron from 59Fe-iron-poly(sorbitol-gluconic acid) complex was shown to be incorporated into whole liver "Fe-ferritin. In vitro uptake studies with the different liver cells were also performed. Parenchymal cells were found to be more active than non-parenchymal cells with regard to cellular uptake of radiolabel from both iron complex and polymeric ligand without iron.
59Key-words: Iron-poly(sorbito1-gluconic acid)hepatocellular distributionin vitro cellular uptakerats.