Afflictions: Culture and Mental Illness in Indonesia, the first ethnographic documentary film series on mental illness in the developing world, examines the lives of people with neuropsychiatric disorders and mental illness on the islands of Bali and Java and considers the impact of personal experience, family, culture, and community on the course of their illness. This article reflects on issues that arose in production and explores the theoretical underpinnings of the films in order to highlight the rich potential of psychologically oriented ethnographic films and advocate for them as a genre. While ethnographic film provides an opportunity to explore the theories and methods of psychological anthropology, psychological anthropology's insights into the nature of subjectivity and emotion can help craft stirring and character-driven ethnographic films. Psychologically oriented ethnographic films can inject new life into data presentation, illuminate the interpenetration between culture and mental health, and illustrate contemporary anthropology's relevance to current global issues. The article concludes by suggesting future directions for both research and filmmaking. [ethnographic film, psychological anthropology, mental illness, Indonesia] Indonesian Abstract Afflictions: Culture and Mental Illness in Indonesia, seri film dokumentar tentang masalah penyakit jiwa di negara berkembang yang pertama, meneliti kehidupan orang-orang dengan gangguan neuropsikiatri dan penyakit mental di pulau Bali dan Java. Seri ini mempertimbangkan dampak dari pengalaman pribadi, keluarga, budaya, dan masyarakat pada perjalanan penyakitnya. Artikel ini mencerminkan pada isu-isu yang muncul dalam produksi seri sendiri dan mengeksplorasi teoretis film-film untuk menyoroti potensi kaya film etnografi berorientasi psikologis dan mengadvokasi bagi mereka sebagai suatu genre. Sementara film etnografi memberikan kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi teori dan metode antropologi psikologis, wawasan antropologi psikologis ke dalam sifat subjektivitas dan emosi dapat mensupport pembuatan film etnografi yang character-driven dan mengharukan. Film etnografi berorientasi psikologis dapat menyuntikkan kehidupan baru ke dalam presentasi data, menerangi interpenetrasi antara budaya dan kesehatan mental, dan menggambarkan relevansi antropologi kontemporer terhadap isu-isu global saat ini. Artikel ini diakhiri dengan menyarankan arah masa depan untuk penelitian dan pembuatan film. [Kata kunci: film etnografi, antropologi psikologis, penyakit mental, Indonesia] Supartini (Interviewer): Earlier, you said that abandoned Kereta for a year and a half. Was it a year and a half or a month and a half? Mr. Kereta: Half a year . . . (Glancing over at his wife) Mrs. Kereta: One year and a half! (Voice lowered, nodding emphatically at interviewer).