Entorhinal cortex (EC) is a potential target of deep brain stimulation in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and fMRI can enable whole-brain dynamic mapping noninvasively. However, it remains challenging to study EC-based fMRI connectivity in rodents due to image signal loss and the lower sensitivity of the surface coil ring or array coil for deep brain areas. To reduce the magnetic susceptibility artifacts driven signal loss issue, we introduced baby cream into the middle ear. To improve detection sensitivity, we implemented novel inductively-coupled ear-bars (ICEs) in the 7 T Bruker scanner, which resulted in an approximately 2-fold signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) increase in EC over the conventional surface array. The ICE can be conveniently utilized as an add-on device, with no modulation to the scanner interface. To demonstrate the applicability of ICEs for both task and resting-state (rs) fMRI, whole-brain echo-planar imaging (EPI) was performed in anesthetized rats modeling AD mixed dementia. Seed-based rs-fMRI connectivity maps emanating from the left entorhinal cortex demonstrated its connectivity to the hippocampus, piriform cortex, septal nuclei, and prefrontal cortex. Hence, this work demonstrates an optimized procedure for ICE by acquiring large-scale networks emanating from a seed region that was not easily accessible by conventional MRI detectors, enabling better observation of EC-based brain fMRI connectivity studies with a higher signal-to-noise ratio in rodent models of dementia.