The evaporite formations (in outcrop and at shallowdepth) cover an extensivearea of the Spanish territory. These soluble sediments are foundin diversegeological domainsand recorda widetimespan fromthe Triassicup to the presentday. Broadly,the Mesozoic and Paleogene formations (Alpinecycle) are affected by compressional structures, whereasthe Neogene (post-orogenic) sedimentsremain undefonned.The subsidence caused by subsurface dissolution ofthe evaporites (subjacentkarst)takesplace in three maintypes of stratigraphical settings: a) Subsidence affectingevaporite-bearing MesozoicandTertiarysuccessions (interstratalkarst);b) Subsidencein Quaternaryalluvialdeposits relatedto the exorheicevolutionofthepresent-dayfluvialsystems(alluvialor mantledkarst);c) Subsidencein exposedevaporites(uncovered karst). These types may be represented by paleosubsidence phenomena (synsedimentary and/or postsedimentary) recognizable in the stratigraphical record, or by equivalentcurrentlyactive or modemexampleswith surfaceexpression.The interstratal karstification of the Mesozoic marine evaporitesand the consequent subsidenceof the topstrata is revealedby stratiform collapsebrecciasand wedge-outs in the evaporitesgrading intounsoluble residues.InseveralTertiarybasins,the sedimentsoverlyingevaporiteslocallyshowsynsedimentary and/orpostsedimentary subsidencestructures. The dissolution-induced subsidence coeval to sedimentation gives place to local thickenings in basin-like structures with convergent dips and cumulative wedge out systems. This sinkingprocesscontrolsthe generation of depositional environments and lithofaciesdistribution. The postsedimentary subsidenceproducesa greatvarietyof gravitational deformations in the Tertiarysupra-evaporitic units includingbothductile and brittle structures(flexures, synfonns,fractures,collapseand brecciation).The Quaternary fluvial terrace deposits on evaporite sedimentsshow anomalous thickenings (>150 m) caused by a dissolution-induced subsidence process in the alluvial plain which is balanced by alluvial aggradation. The complex space and time evolutionpattern of the paleosubsidence gives place to intricate and anarchical structures in the alluvium which may be erroneously interpreted as pure tectonic deformations. The current subsidence and generationof sinkholes due to suballuvialkarstification constitutesa geohazardwhich affectsto largedenselypopulatedareas endangering human safetyand posinglimitationsto the development. An outstandingexamplecorresponds to Calatayud historicalcity, where subsidence severelydamageshighlyvaluablemonuments. The subsidenceresultingfrom the underground karstification of evaporiteshas determinedor influencedthe generation of some importantmodem lacustrinebasins like Gallocanta, Fuente de Piedra and Banyoles lakes. The suddenformationof sinkholes due to the collapse of cave roofs is relatively frequentin some evaporite outcrops. Very harmful and spectacularsubsidence activity is currently occurring in the Cardona salt diapir where subsidence has been dramatically exac...