In the present case study of tolazamide we illustrate how many seemingly contradictoryr esults that have been obtained from experimental observationsa nd theoretical calculationsc an finally startf ormingaconsistent picture: a" puzzle put together". For many years, tolazamide was considered to have no polymorphs. This made this drug substance unique amongt he large familyo fs ulfonylureas, which was known to be significantly more pronet op olymorphism than many other organic compounds. The present work employs ab road and in-deptha nalysist hat includest he use of optical microscopy,s ingle-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction,I Ra nd Ramans pectroscopies, DSC, semiempiricalP IXEL calculations and DFT of three polymorphs of tolazamide. This case study showsh ow the polymorphs of amolecular crystalc an be overlooked even if discovered serendipitously on one of numerous crystallizations, and how very different molecular packings can be practically isoenergetic but still crystallize quite selectively and transform one into anotherirreversibly upon heating.