A technique is described for the measurement of nuclear reaction Q-values with an accuracy of a few parts in IO5, in which the ultimate reference is a one-volt standard. As a test of the technique the accurately known threshold energy of the 7Li (p, n) 7Be reaction, 1880.51 f 0.08 keV, has been remeasured.The value found using the present technique is 1880.443 f 0.020 keV, in good agreement with previous values. An attempt to see evidence for atomic excitation effects in the 27Al (p, n) 27Si reaction is also discussed. This yielded a new value of 5803.73 k 0.12 keV for the threshold of this reaction, again in a good agreement with, but more accurate than, previous values. Further test measurements are summarized. The main application of the technique, in measurements related to the theory of weak interactions, is discussed briefly and the results obtained to date are presented.