A non-complete distance-regular graph is called geometric if there exists a set C of Delsarte cliques such that each edge of lies in a unique clique in C. In this paper we determine the non-complete distance-regular graphs satisfying max 3, 8 3 (a 1 + 1) < k < 4a 1 + 10 − 6c 2 . To prove this result, we first show by considering nonexistence of 4-claws that any non-complete distance-regular graph satisfying max 3, 8 3 (a 1 + 1) < k < 4a 1 + 10 − 6c 2 is a geometric distance-regular graph with smallest eigenvalue −3. Moreover, we classify the geometric distance-regular graphs with smallest eigenvalue −3. As an application, two feasible intersection arrays in the list of [7, Chapter 14] are ruled out.