The spectral resolution and statistical significance of a harmonic analysis obtained by low-order maximum entropy methods (MEM) can be improved by subjecting the data to an adaptive filter. This adaptive filter consists of projecting the data onto the leading temporal empirical orthogonal functions obtained from singular spectrum analysis (SSA). The combined SSA-MEM method is applied both to a synthetic time series and a time series of atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) data. The procedure is very effective when the background noise is white and less so when the background noise is red. The latter case obtains in the AAM data. Nevertheless, we detect reliable evidence for intraseasonal and interannual oscillations in AAM. The interannual periods include a quasi-biennial one and a low-frequency one, of 5 years, both related to the E1 Nifio/Southern Oscillation. In the intraseasonal band, separate oscillations of about 48.5 and 51 days are ascertained. , b]. MEM has the advantage of being able to find sharp spectral peaks which the fast Fourier transform (FFT) [cf. Bloomfield, 1976] or lag-autocorrelation methods [Blackman and Tukey, 1959] fail to isolate. However, use of MEM with a number of lags large enough to resolve closely lying peaks in the frequency spectrum usually results in spurious spectral features as well. Getting rid of the spurious peaks often reduces the valuable resolution too.The resolution of spectral peaks in a short, noisy time series will obviously be improved if some of the noise in the series can be removed. The trick is to do this without losing a significant portion of the signal. In this paper we show how the resolution of low-order MEM can be significantly improved by adaptive filtering.The adaptive filter is provided by singular spectrum analysis (SSA) [see Broomhead and King, 1986;Fraedrich, 1986;Vautard and Ghil, 1989]. Although the word "spectrum" is often used to denote a Fourier spectrum, the spectral decomposition of a time series in terms of orthonormal bases other than sines and cosines is obviously possible. The particular interest of SSA is that the basis functions in terms of which the data are decomposed are determined from the time series itself. The geophysical significance of these basis functions, called temporal empirical orthogonal functions (T-EOFs), and of their time-dependent coefficients, the temporal principal components (T-PCs), has attracted substantial interest recently [Vautard and Ghil, 1989; Ghil and Mo, 1991a, b; Rasmusson et al., 1990].Although the T-EOFs are interesting in their own right, we propose here to use them in order to refine a more traditional form of Fourier analysis for two reasons: first, scientists are accustomed to visualizing sinusoidal oscillations; second, additional information can be extracted from the T-PCs by applying MEM to them. In particular, use is made of the fact that the power spectral density of a stationary process is equal to the sum of the power spectra of its T-PCs [Vautard and . SSA also provides the statistical dimens...